Wednesday 3 February 2016

Lifestyle coach Mantaha Maqsood bashes fitness myths and tells us what works — or doesn't

A former banker, Maqsood says she gets her edge by personalizing diet plans instead of following the fitness fad pack

Mantaha maintains her high-intensity workout will torch calories, speed up metabolism and boost energy levels.

It took a big leap of faith for Mantaha Maqsood to get where she is today.
For one, she had to leave her desk job at a prestigious firm in the Big Apple. Venturing into the unknown and pairing it with hard work, Mantaha's journey from banker to health and lifestyle coach has been an eventful one.
In a few months, Maqsood’s fitness program under her headquarters at The Wellness Company in Karachi has expanded multifold. Her vision is crystal clear: fitness is the route to a blissful life.

The beginning of the empire

“While I was working out at a local gym in New York, women started showing interest in my workout techniques instead of following the trainer. The trainer flat out said to me that this is a 'calling from God'. I was already put off with my current job and wanting to live a more active lifestyle. The next step was a phone call to my father to tell him that I was going to be a wellness coach," she shares.

"He put down the phone and didn’t speak to me for six months because he was scared of the preconceived notions about fitness instructors who wear tights and dance. Over times, things have changed; now he’s proud of my achievements and sends me his patients as he’s a dermatologist and many of them experience skin problems due to weight issues."

Maqsood is extremely focused on high-intensity physical fitness. —Photo courtesy: Mantaha Maqsood's Facebook page
After getting the green light from her parents, she searched for the best appropriate institute in America and enrolled herself into the Cooper School run by Dr. Kenneth Cooper, the founder of aerobics.

Changing lives, one body at a time

Mantaha was driven by the idea that every “body” is different and therefore requires particular focus to flourish.

"You have got to know your trainee inside out, know every detail about them. You have to go the extra mile, otherwise it becomes a very studio-oriented class."

 For more detail  Lifestyle coach Mantaha Maqsood bashes fitness myths and tells us what works — or doesn't
