By: Zainab Ali Ahmed
Living in a life where one learns something new a step ahead, living in an environment where one passes through something unique, living in a society where one gains strength to face each judgement , living in a boundary either at school or home one will definitely learn to find relief from the harshest pain , gain from every single fall , joy after each sorrow , recovery of health after having a bed rest of several days, respect for elders , love for the younger ones , strength in unity , faith in fate , religion , God as well as in oneself and most important the ethics of life and on life blesses us with a new guide, a new protector, a new companion and a true teacher. The day when an individual is born he starts learning infinite and unique knowledge through the aid of his or her grandparents, parents, siblings, relatives, companions, and teachers. Although most of the people who teach us everything about life aren’t degree holders, but one way or another they too deserve to be called our respected teachers. The Almighty is our first teacher as he revealed the Holy Quran to guide us. And one of the verses in Surah Al-Baqarah says: “Our Lord, and send among them a messenger from themselves who will recite to them Your verses and teach them the Book and wisdom and purify them. Indeed, You are the Exalted in Might, the Wise.” Moreover, our beloved Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) says that “Every time truth is forgotten, they(teachers) are the ones who revive it.” And it is well said by Hazrat Ali (RA) that “If a person teaches me one single word, he has made me his servant for a lifetime.” Likewise, one should respect everyone because every individual we meet at any path or track of life will bless us with new lessons and they are truly considered our teachers.
Having a flashback to the day I was born, my mother was the one started teaching me from the very first day though I was a baby, though I had no sense of life and though I had no capability to store memories. From the day when I crawled, to the day when I stood and fell, till the day when I ran, to the day when I was fully grown up, my mother stood as the greatest pillar for me.
No matter how busy she remains but she will never disappoint us.
We must thank our teachers for always being there for us, for always showing us the right path, for moulding us into our best version and turning us into what we are today.No matter we just celebrate their day specifically for a day but for me each day of learning and gaining is teachers’ day.
She is not only a housewife but my whole life and bestest teacher. As she is the most sensitive, caring and loving woman who can face every life challenge with strength and potential and teach her children to be the proud of family and enlighten everyone’s life. There is no denying that a mother can not only play the role of a father, sibling, or friend but also she deserves the tag of an admirable guide. Sometimes she teaches us chapters of love in order to be a loving sister. At some other times she teaches us to defend just like a brother. At the stage of sadness and with tearful eyes she gave strength and knowledge to live the tough phases of life. When the hope of the soul sinks to the feet a mother’s inspiration and guidance will lead it to its highest peak. Whenever I get demotivated, her consolations and encouragement work as my favourite lecture of the day
In the long run of life, a mother holds tags of different characters. Her emotional guidance for us is infinite. As for me, my mother is the best teacher with a moral character and a noble position. Her words are literally a blessing for me, and so as for all the other children. I have learned a lot from what she suggests. I am grateful to be blessed with a teacher like her.
Along with the mother, the father’s role as teacher cannot be denied. A father is a man who may not express his feelings, thoughts and needs to his children or family but deep down in his heart he carries infinite love, affection, and feelings for each of them and each minute he takes a breath I count as a blessing for me. A father is someone whose silence teaches us the greatest lessons to face the society, nation and the surroundings. He never highlights the hardship and trouble through which he passes, nor ever indicates the darkness in which he suffered for seeking the path towards light but still he provides us the greatest knowledge of every experience of life.
Literally, a father is just like a pillar for the whole family who may fall himself but will never let anyone else go down. We are blessed to have a supportive teacher in the shape of a father.
Moving forward in life our grandparents have always been a protective shield who love and guide us each moment with justified knowledge. Our grandparents remain noble teachers in shaping our life and moulding it into its best version. They guide us when we are nothing, stand by us when the world stands as our opposition, console us when we are totally broken, assist us when we are helpless and protect us when we are in trouble. It seems like they are the true souls who are known as superheroes to us. Not only this but they are the only ones to save us from the evi-lhearted people of the world and bring a change for the good in our life. Hence, we are just empty bodies without their knowledge. Our grandmother and grandfather stand as our greatest source of inspiration and lead us to a successful and a happy life.
We must always be with them and try to gain the knowledge which is ultimately stored in them. They also have stored love, warmth, and an adorable lesson within them. No one can ever replace them. They really enlighten our lives. Through their prayers, guidance and through their good wishes we can succeed in our life and we can progress in achieving our goals. Unfortunately, some of us do not have grandparents and now we know their values as their teachings are always with us.
The contribution of teachers at school in each aspect of life is greater than anything else. As Teachers shape the trained, efficient, able, cheerful, honest, enthusiastic and resourceful part of our life. Therefore, to thank every single teacher of our life and acknowledge the contribution of teachers in the society and in shaping a progressive, cooperative and well mannered environment, we celebrate 5th October as their day. From the day we hold the pencil to the day we used the pen, teachers were the major strength who taught us to rectify mistakes and convert our disability into our greatest ability.
We must thank our teachers for always being there for us, for always showing us the right path, for moulding us into our best version and turning us into what we are today. No matter we just celebrate their day specifically for a day but for me each day of learning and gaining is teachers’ day.
The writer is a freelance columnist
The post A tribute to teachers appeared first on Pakistan Today.
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