Monday 11 April 2022

Low literacy rate in Pakistan

The current literacy rate of Pakistan is 62.3 which means that an estimated population of 60 million is illiterate in our country (Ministry of Federal Education and Professional Training).

Why are there fewer doctors, scientists, educated people and more uneducated, beggars, and thieves in our country? Is a great pianist or a master criminal born, or made?

Founder of behaviourism, famous psychologist John B.Watson said: “Give me a dozen healthy infants, well-formed and my own special world to bring them up in and I’ll guarantee to take anyone at random, and train him to become any type of specialist I might select-doctor, artist, merchant, and yes, even a beggar, regardless of his talents, penchants, tendencies, abilities, vocations and race of his ancestors.”

So there are more chances a great scientist or a pianist is made, not born.

The illiteracy rate in our country is so high because of our mentality, poverty and education system. When great nations, like England and America, were making Harvard and Oxford, we were making Taj Mehal and Shahi Qila in our subcontinent. They were promoting education, science and technology and we were opposing science and technical education. So they started ruling the world. Then we became victims of the inferior complex that White Skinned People are superior to brown and started adopting their dressing style, language, infrastructure. What we didn’t adopt was their mentality, education system and behaviour which was making them superior.



The post Low literacy rate in Pakistan appeared first on Pakistan Today.

from Pakistan Today