Thursday 14 April 2022


We work really hard at our jobs and produce wonderful results for our bosses; we work extra shifts, late hours, and even weekends. We give million-dollar ideas in weekly meetings; we are excited, energetic, and enthusiastic. A cup of tea and something strikes, a silly gup-shup with a colleague and we are back at our desk creating something new. A small appreciation and we are on cloud no. 9 with our sparkling file on innovative strategies for clients. Why not then, we do not have the confidence to take risks for ourselves and start our own business.

Why do we wait for divine intervention, dreaming of unicorns and rainbows, and end up under the pile of work in our nine to five jobs, which are actually 24/7, and we are stuck? There are many opportunities around us if we look carefully. The real estate sector offers many such platforms and avenues. Government policies had been friendlier during the pandemic. Amnesty schemes from the government proved to be a potent booster to the real estate and eventually for the business community. Many projects began making use of this amnesty, such as raising apartments’ buildings with high-end brands, like AAA Associates offering plenty of such schemes and also investments starting from as low as around six lacs. Lately, trends have been observed that foreign investors, especially estate developers from Dubai are interested to bring large sums to invest in real estate in Pakistan, opening opportunities for development for local businesses and investors. With the OIC summit held in Pakistan recently, the country’s improving image and outreach to friendly nations, and CPEC already blooming at a larger canvass, we are optimistic to see a brighter future. The real estate sector makes up to 60 – 70 percent of the contribution to Pakistan’s economy. The net worth of real estate is more than $300 billion. Not limited to brick and mortar but targeting audiences with lifestyle up-gradation opportunities, the real estate sector is at the core of every citizen’s plans.

Educated, young and aspirational people have entered the real estate market, like the leaders at AAA Associates is a young and enthusiastic lot with eyes to the future and grounded on earth with practical strategies to advance business. Studying the market trends, researching productive factors, understanding government policies, and proactive approaches have led to organized and systematic work in the real estate sector. Expanding the job opportunity bracket, opening gates for smaller investors, and providing secure platforms, the real estate sector has come a long way. Involvements of reliable names in the business, and action-based strategies where results are tangible and visible, and things are not limited to paperwork only, have increased the confidence of the investors to spend in the sector for larger revenues.

The road from here is uphill and undulating, traversing through darker valleys – the real estate sector is, however, proving to be the knight in the shining armour, leading from the front.



The post Ideas appeared first on Pakistan Today.

from Pakistan Today