Wednesday 2 February 2022

The Kashmir dispute

The Kashmir dispute is the oldest unresolved international conflict in the world today taking about more than six decades. In fact, this is the core circumstance between Pakistan and India that has bedeviled relations between the two countries since August 1947 while the State has majority of Muslim population, and it not only enjoys geographical proximity with Pakistan but also has essential economic linkages with the territories constituting Pakistan.

While Pakistan has also proclaimed 20 July as the black day to pay tribute to the victims of Kashmir and once again, Kashmir is on the boil and the routine life is badly affected in the IIOJK  because of a shutdown by local demonstrators over the deaths of protesters in clashes with Indian security personnel.

Sadly, it has been the triumph of the unbeatable human spirit of people to seek freedom and the right to determine their political and everyday fate and the aggressive torture and approach of the Indian government to the Kashmiri people and its disputed nature has greatly led to the deteriorating circumstances and can lead to catastrophic consequences for the whole region.

There isn’t anybody more interested and willing than Kashmiris to permanently end this conflict and live in peace.

It is for this right that over 100,000 Kashmiris have laid down their lives. The baton-charge of freedom has passed on to their fifth generation and it is a moment of great pride and great pain as they all witness their next generation joining the journey of freedom and sacrificing their lives. Which nation wouldn’t? It is a question to those who call the young idealists “terrorists” that in which terrorist’s funeral will you witness hundreds and thousands of men, women and children participating that too defying restrictions, drowning their lives in risk and ready to face bullets.

It is really pathetic that the two regional powers which have linkages with everything, be it cultural, religious, and so forth are disputing without any long-term ceasefire.

In my own conceit, dialogue is the best option to amicably resolve all issues whether minor or vast between India and Pakistan, including the dispute of Kashmir.



The post The Kashmir dispute appeared first on Pakistan Today.

from Pakistan Today