By Afnan Wasif
According to contemporary times, human life is the amalgamation of individual and collective life. Individual life is bifurcated into three domains: Dogma, Rituals and Social Customs. In the same way, there are three spheres of collective life: Social, Economic and Political Systems. It is thought that Religion is only in relation to individual life and it has no concern with collective life. As a result, Secularism has emerged. However, Islam is the perfect and complete code of human life and it provides guidance in all these aspects of life. Particularly, Islam possesses a distinct and unique political and government system. This system is called “Caliphate”. Caliphate is the protection of religion and the management of worldly affairs through it. The upholder of Caliphate is known as Caliph.
Caliph (ruler) is selected by the mutual consent of only intellectuals of society and these intellectuals are those who are honest, wise and incorruptible. This system encompasses both individual and collective human life. Such type of comprehensive political and government system is not given by any other religion except Islam. On the other hand, western political and government system is “Democracy”.
Simply, democracy is the government of the people, by the people, for the people. It is not an ample system for humans. It has some certain drawbacks. The main flaw here is that everyone is equal while selecting a ruler. His/her caliber or intellectual level is not considered. “Say, O Prophet, Are those who know equal to those who do not know?” (Quran 39:9). Democracy is failed here.
Disadvantages of Western Democracy:
West believes that democracy is a distinctively and exclusively Western phenomenon with specific requirements. Non-Western societies that democratize should follow Western patterns and models. The country’s politics is segregated into the opposition party and the ruling party. They both try to defame each other. They always try to create chaos. As a result, no party can rule calmly. Due to the western democracy and its chaotic culture, Pakistan was divided (Fall of Dhaka). Provincial bigotry has reached its peak. Linguistic strife has developed. Assemblies are bought and sold. Robbers kidnap and kill anyone whenever they want. The rich have become richer and the poor have become poorer. The whole nation has become a fan of athletes and film actors and even the rulers seem to be addicted to them.
Concept of Opposition in Islam and Democracy:
Opposition must exist in Western democracies. This democratic system is considered incomplete without opposition. The Western powers tries to incite the opposition to hold the ruling party in its cruel clutches, to comply with its demands and to keep it as its slave. As a result, the ruling party operates at the behest of the Western powers and in such a way that its power remains intact. And so the whole country becomes a slave to non-Muslim Western powers.
In the Caliphate, the Caliph is not absolute because the supreme power belongs to Allah. He works under the supervision and guidance of the universal law that is Quran and Sunnah and Shura (council).
This Shura is not the opposition but the group which is responsible for keeping the Caliph on the right path. Shura is the alternative of the cabinet. As there is no concept of opposition in Islam but Islam allows for constructive and corrective criticism only. The Shura and general masses have the power that if the head of state is not making the right decision then they can remove him. But it cannot remove the Caliph without reason. “If the situation of the Caliph changes due to which he is not eligible for the post of Caliph, then the Shura can remove him.”
Islamic and Western Stance about Constitution:
The constitution of Muslims is the Qur’an and Sunnah. This is the universal law. There is no doubt about it. This constitution is free from change and the world is unable to bring such a constitution. The Holy Prophet said that “I am leaving two things between you, one is the Qur’an and the other is the Sunnah. As long as you hold fast to both of you, you will not go astray.” While in democracy, a particular segment of a country is its paramount sovereign; that they should be governed by the constitution which they themselves have framed. This man-made constitution keeps changing day by day. Every successive ruler continues to scatter the first constitution.
Caliphate is not a dictatorship:
Some western scholars and ideologues have tried to present Islam as anti-democratic and inherently authoritarian. By misrepresenting Islam in this way they seek to prove that Islam has a set of values inferior to western liberal democracy and is a barrier to the global progress of civilization. This misconception also promotes Israel’s claim to be the sole democracy in the Middle East. Hazrat Umar (R. A) said, “Caliphate is based on mutual consultation.” It is necessary for the caliph to consult the Majlis-e-Shura. Caliphate is not a dictatorship. People who defame the Caliphate and say that the Caliphate is the name of dictatorship. In fact, they are unaware of the Islamic Caliphate system. Allah Himself says that the work of Muslims is done by mutual consultation. Therefore, to say that the Caliphate is a dictatorship is an assumption based on unawareness of the Islamic system of government.
Reasons for unacceptability of Democracy:
The prevailing form of voting in the democratic world is unacceptable from an Islamic point of view. The reasons for this are as follows.
- Candidates run election campaigns to get a majority of votes. These campaigns take place in the form of rallies, conventions and meetings which also spread chaos in the country. They spend most of their earnings to make these campaigns successful. After coming to power, they return to the national treasury to make up for that economic loss.
- Competition between the parties or candidates turns into animosity. Competitive feelings arise against each other. Allah has forbidden it. “The believers are brothers, so make settlement between your brothers. And fear Allah that you may receive mercy” (Quran 49:10). While the current democratic elections destroy this brotherhood. This style of election is a vicious act. “Satan only wants to cause between you animosity and hatred through intoxicants and gambling and to avert you from the remembrance of Allah and from prayer. So will you not desist?” (Quran 5:91)
- Vote is a precious thing. But eventually, the public is unaware of its importance. Wealthy candidates buy their opinions for money. And the people also sell their opinion and take the price that there is open bribery. Hazrat Abu Huraira (R. A) Reported that The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, “cursed those who offer bribes and accept bribes in judgments.”
- In this democratic age, freedom of speech is openly allowed. Journalists try to suppress the truth by becoming spokespersons of certain ideologies. Journalism has also become a business. However, journalism is the voice of heart and conscience. But in the field of democratic politics, it is bought for a few coins. If an attempt is made to ban it, the requirements of democracy are violated and strives are made to blackmail the government.
- Therefore, the current democratic system is forbidden in any way. This system is contrary to the Islamic system. Islam has no need for western democracy.
The Qur’an and Sunnah and Islamic beliefs prove that there must be a single Caliph or ruler of the entire Islamic world. And this ruler can be called by any name. “Remember Allah’s favour upon you when you were enemies, then He united your hearts, so you—by His grace—became brothers.” (Quran 3:103) Following this command of Allah, firstly, the Muslims should establish a great Islamic state by removing the boundaries between their so-called independent countries and appoint a single ruler. Thirdly, build your own exclusive defense. And the fourth is to use the same currency and the fifth is to abolish separate passports and make our nationality the same and this is the nationality that Islam has given us. Because Allah has made us brothers in the firm relationship of Islam. And when we are all brothers, our nationality must be one. Binding Muslims to different nationalities is a gross violation of Islam. Muslims must put an end to these anti-Islamic conspiracies and restrictions. The biggest of these conspiracies is Western democracy.
The complete eradication of mutual disunity and external fear and danger is possible only with the establishment of this Caliphate system. In today’s society where the market for murder is hot, bullying and unrest are rampant; all this is a product of the Western system of democracy. The only way to save society from all these tribulations is to repel this democratic system and establish an Islamic system of government, the Caliphate, in its place.
Islam is not as stiff as it is perceived.
“Do not raise your children the way [your] parents raised you, they were born for different time”, Hazrat Ali (R. A). It is very much clear to a great extent that Islam provides room for interpretation and flexibility. The presidential form of government needs some amendments such as the procedure of selecting the president (ruler) which is our core problem discussed in this article as well. By implementing and adopting all Islamic principles and particularly following the method regarding the selection of president (ruler), the presidential form of government can prevail in contemporary times.
The author is a student of BS Strategic Studies at National Defence University, Islamabad. He could be reached at afnanwasif84@gmail.com
The post Caliphate and Western Democracy: A comparative analysis appeared first on Pakistan Today.
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