Rampant cases of child abuse are being surfaced and reported these days which is pathetic and shows regression of our society that even pupils of seminaries and academic institutions are not saved from this menace. Culprits are punished later on once the sad incident is taken place and the culprit is arrested while unknowingly how many cases go unreported and how many cases do not come to knowledge but in all situations, the child has suffered and been abused which leaves a bad impact on their mental and physical health. The need of the hour is to impede such cases from happening in future.
The only way to curb such cases from happening of child abuse in academic intuitions and seminaries is to monitor the academic activities through CCTV cameras and it should be made mandatory for all seminaries as well as academic institutions, coaching centres and technical and vocational training institutions to install functional CCTV cameras in all the classes, outside area of toilets, play area and main gates of the institutions and at reception and access should be given to guardians/parents of the kids to view online activities of their kids as well as of the institutions’ staff and teachers so that parents might see their kids are being taught in safe environment.
Registration of such seminaries and academic institutions which fail to install functional CCTV cameras should be cancelled and they should not be allowed to operate until and unless functional CCTV cameras are not installed in their intuitions. Bio-metric attendance should also be encouraged in all institutions of the kids and message ought to be sent to parents’ cell numbers once the kid reaches and leaves the institutions. The sooner we act accordingly, the better we protect our children.
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from Pakistan Today https://ift.tt/3F7z75C