Friday 29 October 2021

Ghost schools and teachers in Balochistan

Hoshab is one of the beautiful villages of Balochistan. Unfortunately, the students there are suffering because a common practice of employing ghost teachers is prevalent here. The future of the students is being ruined by such teachers.

These ghost teachers give their best while teaching at private schools but don’t bat an eye towards educating the students at government schools.

It must be noted that majority of the people in the villages are poor and don’t afford to send their kids to private schools at Turbat.

Teachers must be held accountable for this negligence. Article 25-A of the constitution of Pakistan says : “State shall provide free and compulsory education to all children of the age of five to 16 years in such manner as may be determined by law”. Unfortunately state has failed to implement article in true spirit as Balochistan is in bad governance for many decades which has caused low literacy rate in the province.

The provincial governments come in power and completed their term by just making political slogans of promoting education and brining reforms in the education sector. In real, nothing has happened.

The rich province is in state of poor education. Its education sector including all sectors are in crisis. It is said that CPEC will change the fate of Balochistan. The irony is that such slogans cannot improve anything in the natural resources rich province unless problem-stricken province gets good governance under leadership of dynamic leaders.

The Chief Minister of Balochistan including other concerned authorities have received reports that there are approximately 10,000 ghost teachers in Balochistan and a majority of government schoolteachers remain absent from the duty.

Somehow this illegal practice is continuing in connivance with some senior officials of the education department & political parties.

It is matter of great concern that such ghost schools receive funding but have no teachers or students & some teachers get salaries while sitting at home which have created hurdles in raising literacy rate of Balochistan.

Ghost teachers and ghost schools are responsible of educational crisis of the Province; Government of Balochistan should start crackdown on emergency basis without any delay to remove ghost schools & dismiss ghost teachers across the Balochistan. I request the concerned authorities to take action over the ghost teachers and save the students’ future.

Essa M. Naeem

Turbat, Balochistan


The post Ghost schools and teachers in Balochistan appeared first on Pakistan Today.

from Pakistan Today