Saturday, 5 June 2021

Malicious strength 

Israel, a country of just  9 million people but having dare  to rule over 427 million Arabs. How a country having a population of one-third of Karachi brought entire muslim countries in its knees? However, Israel’s strength is not hidden in it’s weaponry just as the writer stated, it’s their well equipped, produced and nurtured brains which leads them to be the superior ones. They have proved that brain would rule over brawn and for producing it, they built thousands of schools,colleges, universities and libraries with veteran professors, this is the reason their generation wants to be  Albert Einstein, Neils Bohr,Ralph Wald, paul Samuelson and  other such  names that filled the void in textbooks of physics, philosophy, technology and medicine etc. If we compare them with our youth, they just want to be like Salauddin Ayoubi and Ertugrual Ghazi , that’s why we are one of  backward nation who has nothing to stand at crossroads of development.

Sameer Umrani


The post Malicious strength  appeared first on Pakistan Today.

from Pakistan Today

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