Wednesday 3 February 2016

Why are you sweating Mr Juncker? EU boss insists UK deal will end Brexit 'psychodrama'

TOP EUROCRAT Jean-Claude Juncker today hailed David Cameron’s EU deal as a “fair” settlement for Britain that will end the Brexit “psychodrama” - but he was immediately warned “people power” will bring down the Brussels machine.

Jean-Claude Juncker

The European Commission president welcomed the draft proposals for the UK’s new membership of the EU after they were revealed yesterday.

Mr Juncker said he had worked “closely” with the Prime Minister and European Council president Donald Tusk on the agreement, which will be discussed at a crunch summit between the 28 EU leaders later this month.

The chief Brussels bureaucrat suggested the draft settlement would help “put paid” to those who comment “on a daily basis” of the “psychodrama where Europe is falling apart little by little”, as he also referred to the ongoing migrant crisis across the continent.

He said: "The settlement that has been proposed is fair for the UK and fair for the other 27 member states."


Mr Juncker claimed the “UK benefits from more protocols and opt-outs than any other member states”, which is why Mr Cameron has seen his demand for an end to the EU’s drive for ‘ever-closer union’ addressed in the draft agreement.

But, speaking in the European Parliament in Strasbourg as MEPs debated the draft British deal, Nigel Farage warned Mr Juncker his hopes for securing the future of the EU could prove forlorn.

The Ukip leader revealed prior to this morning’s session he had challenged Mr Juncker to a debate in the run-up to Britain’s in/out referendum on EU membership.

 For more detail   Why are you sweating Mr Juncker? EU boss insists UK deal will end Brexit 'psychodrama'
