Monday 25 January 2016

ISIS releases sick video of Paris attackers BEHEADING prisoners and warns: BRITAIN is NEXT

ISIS releases sick video of Paris attackers BEHEADING prisoners and warns: BRITAIN is NEXT

A GRUESOME Islamic State (ISIS) video showing some of the suspected Paris attackers beheading prisoners and brandishing Kalashnikovs has been released - threatening that the UK is next.

                      syria fighting
ISIS have released a video showing the Paris attackers 
The video, filmed before the jihadis murdered 130 people in the French capital, features ringleader Abdelhamid Abbaoud, the Belgian who masterminded the atrocities.

news for syria

The clip finishes with a chilling threat from the terrorist group, saying they will carry out their next attack in the UK in retaliation for Britain’s airstrikes campaign in Syria.

                                Man shooting prisoner
Footage of London and the House of Commons debate on bombing ISIS targets in Syria is featured in the disturbing the video.

For more detail   ISIS releases sick video of Paris attackers BEHEADING prisoners and warns: BRITAIN is NEXT