Monday 25 January 2016

Quack 'archbishop' caught selling £1.99 OLIVE OIL as cure for CANCER and infertility

A SELF-appointed ‘archbishop’ has been caught selling £1.99 Aldi olive oil as a miracle cure for cancer, HIV and infertility.
Gilbert Deya, his church and olive oil
Gilbert Deya and his flunkies told worshippers to use £1.99 oil (r) to treat cancer
Gilbert Deya, a Kenyan evangelist who calls himself "the Archbishop of Peckham", told sick believers to buy the miracle cure.

Flunkies told an undercover reporter that it would eradicate her cancer because it had been blessed by the 63-year-old.

It was then rubbed into the woman's chest in an exorcism ritual to expel "the demons of cancer".
Deya, who is wanted on child trafficking claims in his native Kenya, is at the centre of an extradition battle with the Home Office.
Footage of officials in Deya's church making the outlandish claims was published by The Sun.
The Aldi-branded Solesta extra virgin olive oil is sold in the church shop for £5 a bottle, giving the church an easy £3 profit on each sale.
As well as rituals involving rubbing the oil into the skin, church-goers are told to cook with it to unlock mystical properties.

Gilbert Deya location
A typo-ridden leaflet eulogising the "anionting oil" [sic] said it can ensure prosperity and protect loved ones - as well as curing diseases.
The undercover reporter, who spent months attending the church, was also told blessings from Deya could make her pregnant.
Deya's son, Amos, told the reporter and a man posing as her husband that he could guarantee them a child in

 For more detail  Quack 'archbishop' caught selling £1.99 OLIVE OIL as cure for CANCER and infertility