Kayani, according to an email former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton received from a senior aide.
On Friday, the US State Department released some 1,000 pages of emails of Ms Clinton when she headed the department but sometimes used a private email and a private server to communicate.
In one of the emails, Vali Nasr, then a senior adviser in the Office of the Special Representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan, informs Secretary Clinton that Ms Lodhi had shared with him a message from Gen Kayani.
“I got a call from Maleeha Lodhi, who is in London. She gave a message from Kayani,” Mr Nasr wrote on January 21, 2011.
But the entire message that Ms Lodhi supposedly shared with Mr Nasr has been edited out.
Ms Lodhi, who has also served as Pakistan’s ambassador in the US and Britain, was not a government official when she supposedly conveyed this message. She was a prominent columnist for Pakistani and international newspapers. Mr Nasr, a prominent academic, has lived in Pakistan and has many friends in the country.
The text shows that Mr Nasr’s message ran into two paragraphs and was sent three days after Raymond Davis was arrested on charges of killing two men in Lahore. The incident had resulted in a crisis in the US-Pak relationship.
For more detail Email Hillary received shows Maleeha acted as Kayani’s messenger