Monday 25 January 2016

Suicide bomb attack kills 28, wounds dozens in Cameroon

 DOUALA: Suicide bombers targeting a town in northern Cameroon killed 28 people and wounded 65 on Monday, one of the worst attacks yet in the Central African nation as it struggles to contain an overflow of violence blamed on Nigeria's Boko Haram.

                        boko haram attacks

State-owned radio and local officials said four explosions struck a busy market and entrances to the town of Bodo, which borders the insurgency's strongholds in northeastern Nigeria.

“The new toll is 28 dead and 65 wounded. Currently the situation is stable. Our security forces are in place,” said one official, who asked not to be named.

Related: 12 die in suicide attack on Cameroon mosque
While there was no immediate claim of responsibility for the attack, northern Cameroon has become the scene of increasingly frequent suicide attacks as Boko Haram has stepped up cross-border violence that has also spread into Chad and Niger.

For more detail   Suicide bomb attack kills 28, wounds dozens in Cameroon